profile picture

Marwan Abdelwahab

Computer Engineering Student

About Me

Welcome to my portfolio website! Here you can find out whatever you need to know about me and take a look at my achievements!

I am a passionate computer engineering student at the University of South Florida currently in my second year of school. I am extremely interested in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technologies and hope to one day be involved in this field. I have decent experience in mobile application development that I aquired from an internship I did during the summer of 2023. I have also been learning important topics such as Data Structures and algorithms during my free time.

I love to be involved on campus and demonstrate my leadership and interpersonal skills. That's why I have been working as an intramural sports official for USF Campus Recreation for the past two semesters. I have been successful in this position thanks to my experience as an assistant coach and team captain of an Archery team during my high school years.

Here is a link to my resume. Check it out!


portfolio website

Portfolio Website

This is a website displaying my Portfolio of projects and achievements for potential employers to use. It has a link to my up-to-date resume and links to my professional social media accounts such as LinkedIn. It was implemented using HTML and CSS. I am constantly developing the website and adding more features from time to time.

GitHub Link
Website link
calendar app

Calendar App

This is an app I developed during my Summer 2023 internship at Hassan Allam Technologies. It's main purpose is to give employees more access such as notifications about upcoming events, requesting sick leave and signing-in and out. I did it's implementation completely individually using the flutter mobile development environment. The links below show more about the project, however, it is still in progress and I will still add more functionalities and complete the intended purpose. The app is not yet deployed so the google drive link below contains snapshots of development progress as well as videos of the app's functionalities.

GitHub Link
Google Drive Link

(Testing and development snapshots)

calendar app

News App

This is a fully-functional news app I developed using APIs and the flutter development environment. It has theme changes such as switching from light to dark mode. It also updates and refreshes to get the latest news thanks to the integration of APIs into the app. The app is complete but not deployed so the google drive link below shows snapshots from its testing and development progress. Its github link is in the other projects section below.

Google Drive Link

(Testing and development snapshots)

calendar app

QuizzTopia App

This is a trivia app I developed that uses python and REST APIs to get different random questions and uses the tkinter module to display a graphical user interface for a more interactive and personal user experience. I am currently working on learning more about web deployment and python frameworks so that I can deploy this app on a live URL. For now I just have screenshots and recordings of the fully functional app in the google drive link below.

GitHub Link
Google Drive Link

(Testing and development snapshots)

Other Projects

This section lists some unfinished projects that have either been not deployed or do not have any links or snapshots.